- Gratitude
Instead of dwelling on what is lacking in your life, acknowledge the good.
- Self Care
Charity really does begin at home. Tend to your own needs first. This is not a selfish thing to do. We are responsible for maintaining our own health and sanity. As a healthy and sane person, we are better able to help our loved ones, not only in our deeds but by example.
- Forgiveness
Forgive others and also forgive ourselves, because no one is perfect. And this is not to say that we should open our doors and hearts to those people who have abused us in the past. But rather, we need to stop carrying around the weight of those grudges. Grudges against others and judgments against ourselves. We cannot undo the past. We can only move forward with wisdom gained from painful lessons learned. Let it go.
- Self Awareness
Also known as Empathy. Try to conceive of how your actions would be perceived by others. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Would you like it if someone treated you this way? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be a good human.
- Patience
Take pause before reacting to other people’s flaws and imperfections.
- Kindness
Be kind to your friends, family and your pets. Also be kind to strangers. Open doors. Say thank you and please. Do not be stingy with your compliments. It costs you nothing to be kind and it is returned in ten-fold.
- Responsibility
Pay your bills before splurging on frivolous things. Your life will be easier if you do.
- Make Your Bed
You will be glad you did in the evening.
- Floss
Every day.
- Tell Your Loved Ones That You Love Them
And show them in deed.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Pam McCoy is a writer, author and co-host of Crazybusters.